peace, love and respect! its about how we have to treat every body with love and compassion not with power regardless the price tag (lagi demen lagu jessie j haha). anyway, its a dream speech by Marthin Luther King. a great leader. well, i do not really know him well but its just that i want to share my thought right now. its about "dreams". i can't remember my dreams when i was a child. well i mean specific dream. being rich and awesome does not accounted. i'd like to build one. hahaha zzzzzz. so important really really cuuy. dream is something that we really want to happen in life. could be for ourself or somebody else. so far, what can i really think of is that i want to travel the world. i want to see what is it like living out side Indonesia. i want to go to New York, Seattle, South Africa, Paris, Sydney, Rio De Janeiro, London, Tokyo, Vietnam, Thailand, Rome, Spain, Switzerland, Amsterdam, Fiji even Papua Nu Gini. Just Dream!